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why home staging?

we’ve all done it.  during the house hunting process, we’ve walked into homes for sale that are so cluttered on the inside that it actually skews your ability to see the home’s true potential. the rooms feel heavy and cluttered with furniture, shelves are full of personal pictures and small knickknacks, and toys, sport equipment, and mountains of clothing and shoes are jam-packed into every closet and drawer giving off an uninviting, negative vibe.      

i’ve known friends throughout the years who have walked into dozens of homes like these and went on and on about how messy the house was, not once mentioning what they actually thought about the bones of the house. we all know first impressions are critical – not everyone has the ability to look past other people’s mess and visualize what the house would look like minus all the clutter. tidying and creating space provides a clean canvas for people to envision their own family living in the home filled with their stuff = great first impression!  

storage space is very important to potential buyers especially in areas where homes are smaller in size and space is limited. buyers will open drawers and look in closets to ensure there is plenty of space for their own belongings, which is why it’s imperative that pantries, closets, bathrooms, playrooms and kitchens look well organized and decluttered – even more so when the space is small.   

at tag&stash we specialize in helping homeowners who are getting ready to put their homes on the market for sale. It is actually one of our favorite parts of organizing! we work with you to evaluate what you want to keep, discard and donate to local charities. we also help depersonalize your home so that potential buyers can better visualize themselves living in your space. In addition to helping declutter, we use our decorator’s eye to stage and rearrange your existing furniture and décor for a more aesthetically appealing, streamlined feel without spending a fortune.  

it’s quite rewarding, as well as beneficial to declutter and organize your home prior to moving, and it’s a great opportunity to discard and donate items you no longer use versus transporting them to your new space. nothing worse than packing stuff you know needs to be thrown away or donated, and even worse than that, becoming overwhelmed after the move and never unpacking those boxes until you have time, which means they stay packed taking up space.   

bottom line, having a space that looks simple, fresh and organized is a huge selling point to prospective buyers often resulting in a better offer in a shorter period of time. contact tag&stash to learn how we can help you! 

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